Mamsel Still-Tee helps to increase and accelerate the production of breast milk and to meet the mother's increased fluid needs.
Mamsel Still-Tee contains the following herbs (with galactogogue properties) that help accelerate milk production and increase its quantity by stimulating the breast milk production mechanism and mammary glands.
Fenugreek, Goat's rue, Hibiscus, Fennel, Raspberry, Melissa, Vitamin C, Dextrose
Add two heaping teaspoons (approximately 9 g) of Mamsel Still-Tee to 200 ml (one glass) of water and mix. Consume hot, warm or cold as desired. It is recommended to use regularly as long as the mother is breastfeeding.
Mamsel Still Tee
- It has herbal content.
- Does not contain colorants and artificial flavors.
- It is in granular form and easy to prepare.
- There is no need to add sugar.
- Vitamin C is added.