Soil Garden Cocopeat Coconut Peat 10 Lt With Perlite / Vermiculite And Pumice Features: 100 Natural Enriched
Cocopeat Coconut Peat Features:
Healthy root development is easier with 100% natural coconut fiber Cocopeat
. It is a first-class plant growing medium and soil conditioner produced from coconut shells.
It can easily be used professionally in agriculture or indoor plants.
Its benefits in soilless cultivation have been observed over the years and its use continues to increase.
It is not as compact as normal soil, so the roots can aerate and breathe better.
Cocopeat can hold up to 9 times its own volume of water.
It ideally provides the oxygen, water and nutrients necessary for the roots.
Its fibrous and spongy structure makes it a regulator in all soil types.
If mixed with clayey, heavy-textured soils, it provides better aeration, and if mixed with sandy soils, it provides better retention of water and nutrients.
Coco Peat naturally contains plenty of lignin, which supports the formation of beneficial microorganisms in the root zone.
It treats problematic soils without any risk of pollution. It can be used safely in living room plants, landscape plants and arrangements.
Coco Peat has established itself worldwide both as a plant growing medium and as a soil conditioner.
. Coco Peat remains intact longer than ordinary peat. Its ability to re-wet when dried is much better than ordinary peat.