It consists of a very easy to use RFID reader module and 1 RFID key fob. The reader module operates at a frequency of 125 kHz. The module, which outputs in Wiegand format, can be easily read from many microcontroller platforms, especially Arduino, and systems such as Raspberry. Communication speed can be adjusted as 9600 and 19200 baudrate. There is a connector on the antenna of the product and it can be easily connected to the card. Features: Operating Voltage: +5V ; 125 kHz reading frequency ; HZ-1050 EM4001 64-bit RFID tag compatible ; Changeable communication speed of 9600bps and 19200bps with the jumper on it; It is possible to switch between Wigan26 and Wigan34 with the jumper on it. ; Reading range: 3-10cm ; Comfortable use thanks to UART and TTL interface;