From the Land of Hatay Pomegranate Syrup 1000 gr

QAR 251,67 QAR 151,00 SAVE 40%
From the Land of Hatay Pomegranate Syrup 1000 gr
 Our product belongs to Hatay region. Our pomegranates, supplied from Samandağ, Arsuz, Dörtyol, Yayladağı and Antakya districts, are carefully separated from their peels. The water is extracted by traditional methods (the bitter aroma remains in the products whose water is extracted by machine). It is boiled in large cauldrons over a wood fire for approximately 6 hours and the water evaporates. ti It is made and the essence of the pomegranate is obtained. No additives are added. When you taste our completely natural pomegranate syrup, you will immediately understand how high quality it is.
You can consume it at room temperature for 2 years without deterioration. We present to you our Pomegranate Syrup, which our mothers and sisters have obtained with so much effort. Enjoy your meal. FROM THE WORLD.

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