Artebella Acrylic Dimensional Paint 309830 Pistachio Green 30 ml
309830 Artebella Acrylic Dimensional Paint Pistachio Green 30 cc
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Your orders placed until 15:00 are shipped on the same day. Orders exceeding this time are delivered to cargo on the next business day. When your order is shipped, we will notify you via the e-mail address you registered in the system. You can follow the stage of your cargo from the cargo tracking button.
In order to prevent any damage that may occur during transportation, when the cargo reaches you, you must check the product with the cargo officer and if there is a problem, you must make a report to the cargo officer. In this way, you will prevent any grievances that may occur on both sides.
Please contact us before returning. Returns of products that have lost their reusable feature are not accepted. The product's box and original accessories must be packaged in another box or cargo bag in a way that will not be damaged and sent with our contracted courier after we are informed.