Ofcay enjoy Rize Black Pouring Tea 500gr
• Ofçay enjoy Rize , delicious tea filled with teapots from Rize's lush tea gardens. It is a delicacy .
• With every sip natural , in every sip delicate One tea arbitrary
presents .
• Fresh of leaves given naturalness And inside me soft
with taste notes own to yourself and your family or One how much
with your friend every moment you are its taste like pleasure
gives .
• Use Suggestions
• Porcelain teapot for a more delicious tea And fresh
soft This to use water in the teapot you need to boil
suitable will be .
• This after boiling later from fire taking your temperature is 80-85
get a degree to fall for a few minute wait .
• The teapot into each glass for One sweet spoon Ofcay
enjoy Rize tea I sheep . One spoon extra _ teapot
right add .
• Tea I while brewing juice One from the point , water on
without walking around touch .
• Hoarse 15 minutes on fire after brewing later with pleasure
You can consume .
your tea after brewing later half hour inside your consumption we recommend
Ofçay Keyfine Rize Black Bulk Tea 500gr