Nfs Certified Coconut Carbon Post-Filter Based Sweetener

$41.67 $25.00 SAVE 40%

inline post carbon filter based sweetener Damlalife Coconat last post carbon filter: ultimate COCONATLI inline post carbon filter,
5 stage filter water treatment device is then used as a sweetener membrane filter (post carbon): regulate the taste of water, which gives a taste in the water filter. World-class quality certified certified NFS sweetening thanks, always light,delicious and beautiful water you'll get.

in the water, chlorine,color,taste and smell that gives the solution of gases,for refining of residues and organic substances is used. This granular activated carbon filter composed of high performance activated carbon and chlorine, odor,organic contaminants,pesticides and chemicals that affect the taste from the smell, it purifies. In 1 year a change is made.

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