Şahlan Herbal Mixed Paste 240 gr x 2 packs

$60.00 $36.00 SAVE 40%

Şahlan Herbal Mixed Paste 240 gr

Ingredients: Flower honey, glucose syrup, mulberry molasses, pollen, epimedium, carob, oats, ginger, galangal, cinnamon, lepidium, American ginseng, nettle, Siberian ginseng, ginkgo biloba, red ginseng, pumpkin, iron thistle, cola. plant, nature identical, aroma (vanilla) and royal jelly

Use of

Usage of the paste; Stir the paste in the jar each time before use. For a quick effect, eat a teaspoon about 30 minutes beforehand, especially on an empty stomach. If it is to be eaten on a full stomach, it should be eaten 2-3 hours after meals.

Herbal Paste has no known side effects. It is a herbal product, definitely not a medicine.

خلطة عشبة أهلان 240 غرام
The answer to the question: The answer to the question If you want to know more The best way to do this In the meantime, in the future, in the future. ، الطبيعة متطابقة ، رائحة (الفانيليا) وغذاء ملكات النحل
The best way to do this . 30 دقيقة ، خاصة على معد ة فارغة. 2-3 ساعات من الوجبات.
المعجون العشبي ليس له آثار جانبية معروفة. That's it, that's it, that's it.

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